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Showing posts from April, 2010

I Love Being Me

I Love Being Me Today's Inspiration: "Our Dreams" - Meth, Ghost, and The Chef I Love Being Me... I just realized how much I love being myself. Have you ever noticed that the moments in life that we are the happiest were all at times when we were able to be ourselves? Case in point: The Grand "Entrance" of her Royal Highness, Princess Eydn Diore. I cannot remember a time in my life where I felt more connected to another person on Earth. I didn't quite at the time understand what I was feeling at the time, and I still don't , however, I do know this, at that moment she and i met, what was happening was so much more important than anything that had ever happened to me before. It was my finest hour... Then, this last week, while preparing for the "Queen OP Chronicles..." shoot, I found myself being challenged when it came to choosing the outfits I wanted to present because I wanted it to be special. This presentation is the Second Coming.

Because I Said Its Fly...

Today's Inspiration: There She Goes-Babyface Because I Said Its Fly... We all know the chick. That girl who won't make a move til somebody else gives the OK...I'm sick of you bi***es. Why is it ok with you ladies to let someone else live your life? Why is it someone else's responsibility to make you a valuable contribution to society? Trust your own judgement, make your own decisions. Be comfortable in your own skin and respect yourself enough to know that yes, you are an individual capable of cognitive thought. Nobody can tell you what to do. Trust me, if your sane, your own thoughts will most certainly get in the way. Apply this logic to the next time you go shopping for an outfit. Go alone. Once you get to the point where you realize the only person who has to be completely satisfied is YOU, the rest is easy. P.S. I realized recently that I have the power to do anything, and have power to positively affect my situation for the better. I smell a little Optimus Prime