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Showing posts from July, 2020

An Actual Life: The New Daily Routine

             If there's anything I hate more than small talk it's when everyday life becomes mundane.  This perturbs me to NO end, making me even more melancholy.  During the past few months, it has been increasingly challenging to keep myself actively engaged in everyday life.  What's so frustrating is that when I had a daily routine, I was upset because I didn't have time to do the other things I wanted to do.  I felt like there was so much I was missing; if I could just move some things around...Why is it that now that I have all the time in the world, I'm not able to find one single thing to do?! The answer to that question is the many years of social programming we have been subjected to that teaches us that there is no value in a day that doesn't include work.  Every other activity in our lives has been ostracized and categorized as EXTRA; in other words, UNNECESSARY.  In turn, we automatically develop an aversion, to the point of guilt to any such thing.