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Showing posts from September, 2012


Inspiration: What More Can I Say***Jay-Z So I took yet another hiatus to re-evaluate and re-group. My life has changed dramatically since my last post. Our precious family of 3 has become a family of 6 literally overnight! After 3 long, torturous years, My Gorgeous Husband finally won visitation for his 2 Oldest girls. In the midst of that, we discovered we were pregnant with PrincesMiniDiva #4 shortly after moving into our 1st house. Miss Khiryn Dinneen came into the world with a BANG on August 10, 2012 and we couldn't be happier. The Princess is beside herself with excitement at having a baby sister and finds joy in re-living (and re-telling!)the entire birthing process from the 1st contraction to the crowning! Just a few short weeks after KD's arrival, we found out that a larger house that could accommodate us all was available, so moving became priority #1. We are settled for the most part, minus a room re-vamp to a his-and-her closet being completed(Yes, THEY did! Fred