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Showing posts from October, 2018

Being Present

This Moment, the one happening right now, is ALL that there is.  Allow me to explain... Yes, there is a past, things that have already happened.  What must be understood about these events is, once they happen, they are OVER.  It's gone.  If it is any point in time that you are not actively engaged in, that point does not currently exist.  The principle is also works on the inverse; anything that has yet to occur, has yet to come into existence , and should have absolutely NO bearing on what is currently happening to you. Our past is a experienced-based tool from which to learn and grow FORWARD.  It is not meant to trap us or the people in our lives, preventing our best lives from being brought to fruition.  If there is something behind you, LET IT GO.  Grasp the lesson and understand that there is no going back.  On the same note, we must also do the same when it comes to anticipation of events yet to come.  Being wrapped...

Mindset for the Miraculous

It's time to wrap our minds around the true power of imagination.  I know we have dabbled in past posts with visualization, and how our thoughts shape our reality.  We are now going to take the conversation to the next level, and begin to discuss what we are TRULY capable of... Our imaginations are the key to life itself.  There are numerous studies that address the indiscernible differences between what is ACTUALLY real, and what the mind perceives as so.  The brain's reactions to these two scenarios are identical. So what, Pray-Tell, does this mean? It means a young God has the capability to make ANYTHING happen!  Whatever I can imagine, I can make my reality.  As long as I can FEEl what it is I am seeing, as in the way I feel when I actually HAVE it; I have provided the Universe with all the materials necessary to set the creation process in motion...The Law of Attraction has now been alerted. It's ON like Popcorn! The next ste...

What Have You Done For YOU Lately??!!

Let's be clear, the YOU I am referring to is the REAL you, your ESSENCE...What has you done lately to feed your SOUL?? Go ahead and ponder, I'll wait... As the most important part of who we are, what really makes us the people we are, it would stand to reason that we would focus ample time and attention towards its continued peace and happiness.  Sometimes we lose sight of the fact that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience, not the other way around.  The way we engage with the world reflects this key point.   It is your mortal obligation to properly excite and illuminate the soul.  It is your only purpose.  "Well, how do we know if its what my soul wants to do?!"  Oh trust me, YOU WILL KNOW!  Do you remember how it felt the first time you heard your favorite song?  That's the feeling you will experience every time you are doing something your soul would love.  It's a feeling you could get ADDICTED to....

Being Your Own Light

Existing in a world where codependency is the norm, it comes as no surprise to me that we are never directed to first look within ourselves for the answers to some of life's biggest challenges and unanswered questions.  As a consumer in a capitalistic society, we are hardwired to seek solace in the comfort of others, retail therapy, or some other unnecessary over indulgence in an attempt to forget.  The funny thing is, these things are simply designed as a means to forget, not at all associated with the actual healing process,  which is essential to you being able to move on. People and vices are not answers, nor are they feelings.   What we are attempting to come to terms with in ANY situation, are the feelings behind it, and how they affect us.  There isn't another living soul on the planet with more experience on the subject of your feelings than YOU.  So why are we so quick to seek out the opinions of others on a subject it is impossible for th...

Infinite Potential

The  Universe  is all of space and time and their contents, including planets, stars, galaxies, and all other forms of matter and energy. While the spatial size of the entire  Universe  is still unknown, it is possible to measure the observable  universe . So with that being said, and you knowing that the ENTIRE Universe exists within us, why are you still focused on all the things you CAN'T do??👀 There is no such thing as "easing" your way into destiny, you were meant to jump in head first.  Even if you have no idea of where you want to go or what you want to do, just move in the direction your passions take you.  Your heart most certainly knows the way.  The most important thing is to MAKE A MOVE.   Dreams are specific to an individual for a reason, because they belong to YOU !    There isn't another soul in existence who is responsible for bringing your dreams to life.  As a matter of fact it's ...

Forgive Yourself

So we jumping in head first today!!!  Like we discussed in "You Only Owe Yourself" ,  the center of this Universe is YOU.  Its no coincidence that Universe begins with "U"!  There is absolutely NO ONE you owe an apology to before yourself.  We are our own worst enemies.  The amount of psychological pain we inflict on ourselves is staggering.  We actively engage in this mental terrorist attack by refusing to let go of people, situations, and events that no longer serve us.  As human beings, there is not one one among us, "No, Not One!  NO NOOT O-ONE!!" who has not done something they regret.  What sets us apart from those who are able to thrive is the ability to leave that disappointment where it belongs, in the past. Your experiences are simply visualization tools in your learning process.  Utilize them for what they are, learn everything you ...