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My Take on Moonology: Working With the Magic of Lunar Cycles


Oh you not gonna sit up here and act like the Universe has not been serving you up the same WTF it's been dishing out to the majority of the human race lately.  Funny thing, most of it has been internal conflict...for us regular folk, that is; we are not even gonna address the dumpster fire that famous people seem to be publicly experiencing with unrelenting force.  The age of Aquarius has come out Swinging!!  

Connection to anything real has been seemingly impossible because we are constantly being inundated with shit that is totally irrelevant and completely out of touch from its target market: Us.  Forget about us drowning in a sea of our own crap...Our desperation for understanding and validation in someone else is the one thing that continually alludes us, and a common thread that ties us all together.  We search for answers everywhere; including the Heavens.  We look up, uncertain of precisely what to search for, and yet, there is knowing there.  If you're like me, you turn to the experts for guidance, and a little bright light to show the way.  Enter Yasmin Boland:  Writer, Astrologer, and all around Rock Star.  She first came onto my radar because of her oracle cards-3 Complete Decks in Fact...

~Moonology Oracle Cards
    ~Moonology: Manifestations
~Moonology: Messages     

Each deck is beautifully illustrated, and amazingly accurate.  The more I utilized and bonded with the cards, the more I became interested in their creator.  My research led me to the Hay House website, which led me to well, the rest is history!  I stumbled upon her book, Moonology: Working With the Magic of Lunar Cycles.  Bingo!  It was just what I was looking for!  Not only does it simplify Sun/Rising/Ascending Signs, it tells you precisely what you should be doing during any Lunar event!  The book is organized into 4 distinct parts:

~Why the Moon is Magic
~Create Your Dream Life With the Moon
~Work With the Magic of the Full Moon
~Live Consciously With the Daily Moon

I found part IV to be the most inciteful for me because most information readily available about the moon generally refers to the New/Full/Waxing/Waning Cycles.  Although Waxing and Waning are mentioned, its very general, without much detail about their significance.  It can lead a novice to believe that there's no real magic or importance in these cycles, which are often mistaken as simply transitional.  The highlight of the section for me was when it discusses activities that are better left to be done during other moon cycles.  Chapter 6 highlights Forgiveness and Gratitude, two vital ingredients for manifestation.  It includes rituals for both helping to invite this energy in, and focusing your intention.  The book is established in an easy to understand, non-intimidating way.  The reader would need very limited to no prior information to be able to navigate this book and absorb the material.

I would have liked to see more of a connection between the cards and the book itself, after all, they do bear the same name.  I do recall coming across a ritual in the book that stated you can use your Moonology deck, however, it's not specific and does make a point to say any oracle deck can be utilized.  Seeing more integration of  the deck can perhaps provide a better understanding of how the creator intended them to be used in correlation with the Moon.  Especially considering she created 3 distinct decks, it would have been nice to see their intended purpose fully realized straight from the horse's mouth.  I can only hope when she writes the follow up, she takes my suggestion to heart, and further explores this particular avenue.

My official on the record review of this book is 💋💋💋💋 out of 💋💋💋💋💋💋.  I think it's a solid, concise addition to the genre, however, does not contain particularly groundbreaking information.  It misses the opportunity to set itself apart by the introduction of a fresh perspective on a very common topic.  It could have earned a few extra points from me by integrating any or all of her oracle decks as aforementioned, but I respect the intent to not alienate certain readers by utilizing the FOMO mentality to her own advantage.  The book is handy, however, if I had to choose, I would buy the oracle decks instead.  The Manifestations Deck definitely ignited my intuition, and all of my readings have been extremely accurate.  If you're a toe dipper, this book is an amazing way to get your feet wet.  Are any of you guys interested in reading the book or purchasing any of the oracle cards?  Is there any books or decks out there you would recommend?  Let me know in the comments, I'm always on the lookout for a great read💕💫 


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