Have you ever been in the car with someone and they choose to play a particular song; all you can think is, “WTF, WHY??!!!
I’m sure this has happened to all of us at some point, but I bet you never stopped to think about the real reason behind why they chose that song. The answer is simple: it speaks to their current state of mental health.
Let’s pause for a moment and explore this idea. Music is FELT. It’s the only absolute universal language, and it never has to be taught. It contains rhythm, frequency, and vibration; all essential to life. Just like food, it is taken in, digested, and each usable piece distributed throughout the body. So with that being said, Just how “FRESH”, better yet, “Organic” is the music you are taking in?!!!!
What you are listening to is in direct correlation with spiritual growth, maturity, and intellect. In other words, a direct connection to your overall well being. The saying, “you are what you eat” is more than just a mantra, it’s Fact, and the same can be said for music. A young King put it best by saying, “Music is Energy, so you have to be cautious of what type[energy] you receive, especially if you struggle with differentiating fantasy from reality.”
—B Luccini of Young Fly Nubian; Founder Karbon 12. Young King, you are spot on!
Psst, conscious brothers and sisters, this IS NOT, I repeat, IS NOT your opportunity to take this to the next level and try to manipulate the black masses into listening to wtf you say listen to or use it as an excuse to sell a few extra weed plates.
I simply want you to know how magnificent we are, able to ingest,digest, and absorb information for all types of sources, in all types of ways; some of which are not fully understood. In this day in time, we have to stay vigilant, and guard ourselves, especially against things that WE are doing to ourselves. Be as selective with your choices in music as you are with your choices on your plate and DEMAND BETTER...Queen Out💋
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