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Let Me Just Say One Thing...

You know, one of the reasons I️ initially started my blog was because I️ felt like I️ had something to say and no one was listening.  I️ felt like the people who were supposed to value me and my opinion most did not.  So I️ said to myself, “well if what you have to say is important, if you put yourself out there, SOMEONE in this vast universe will hear you, get you, and most of all, appreciate your thoughts”.  Here I️ am several years later, still writing, still putting my heart into everything I️ post.

This all came back to mind recently when I️ caught myself  realizing that not much has changed since I️ started.  I️ still don’t have the support from those who really know me, and they still prefer to get a second, third, and fourth validation on anything I️ put out there.   I️ was just about to get upset when I️ realized something:


Listen up, and listen GOOD, or matter fact, don’t; because I’m sure the type of individuals I’m speaking to and about will never read this.  You get what you put out in this world.  There will come a day when standing on the verge of a vast precipice, and if only the right person would listen,  greatness is right there over the edge.  So who is the right person??!!  It’s probably the person that has been silently screaming at you trying to get your attention for years.  As you look around now, you are standing alone, unable to move forward, and unable to see your way back.  It’s too late.  That one step, the last step, is impossible to take on your own.

It is one of the simplest and basic traits of humanity, yet may be the hardest to give.  The  right to be heard is needed by all, YET, in order to be heard, there has to be someone there to LISTEN.  Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our own foolishness that we allow unassociated emotions to cloud our vision.  We stop listening to others because we feel like they aren’t listening to us, told us too much truth, or just plain ol’ don’t care for their method of delivery.

Look, WTF ever.

This is the moment when I️ say, please o please, let’s pull our skirts down as a collective and grow the hell up.  As I️ said before,  the whole premise to my blog was the fact that I️ felt that certain people weren’t listening to me, so I️ created a way for me to reach someone that will.  Don’t lash out, shut down, or become a walking minstrel show just to attract others.  Work on you and stop thinking everybody else needs to be fixed.  Create your own content, build your own platforms, but most importantly of all, start by being a better listener to others.  Remember, that’s where it all starts.  Your life and the world you live in is as easily manipulated and maliable as your Facebook page.  You are master of this reality, make it sparkle😉 Queen Out💋


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