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Showing posts from December, 2018 It's a Thing Now!!

Yes my loves, This is NOT a TEST!!  I am LIVE, In FULL EFFECT, and over the moon with excitement!!  All things Queen Khira have finally found a home, and will all be housed together in one place.  There are some newly added little goodies on the site, all aimed at helping you become the absolute BEST version of yourself, and MAINTAINING your new found personal bliss.  Take a few minutes and give the site a spin. Below is a breakdown of what you can expect from  Drop me a line on the site and let me know what you think, I would love to hear from you!  #queenkhira is an all access pass to fab on the go, sort of a website snack!😍  Much 💖 Always, and thank you in advance for your support.  1 dream down, 26 more to go!~The Queen~ 2019 What to expect: Ascension   - Daily posts Monday-Friday; My personal thoughts, and feelings to inspire you      -1 Lipstick Diaries entry per week      -Black artist featured on every post Versailles

Feeling Soo Good

Necessity is defined as something vital to existence; and/or completion of a task.  So I beg the question: Are you doing what is NECESSARY for your own personal happiness?  I’ll take it one step further and inquire, “if so, are you implementing them every day, just as effortlessly as breathing?”  I’ll go ahead and assume the answer on your behalf... That would be a resounding NO!!  I can say this because I wasn’t either.  All I knew was that I was becoming increasingly irritated by people and things in my immediate environment.  Nothing had occurred to cause the sudden shift, and I had no “true” source for my discontent.  Arriving at an impasse, I took to meditation to have a”peak” inside myself, per se.  What I found was that I was not focusing on ANY of the little things that brought me JOY.  As a matter of fact, EVERYTHING that I normally did just to appreciate ME had fallen to the wayside.  This is why my higher self had BEEF; I had been totally neglecting her. It’s am

Pay Attention

Are you familiar with the expression, “like the blind leading the blind”?  If not, it’s specifically referring to the phenomenon that occurs in which the person who is supposed to lead and be familiar with whatever the situation may be is just as oblivious as the individual seeking guidance.  Generally, the person who sought them out is so relieved to have someone else lead, they blindly follow.  Moreover, they ACCEPT the task and begin the false advisement process...WTF?!   This fuckery stops now.  I find it particularly corney that a person would rather follow behind anyone or anything based off the opinions of the so called “court of popular opinion”.  Look at that last statement and truly dissect it: Court -a place to be tried, convicted, and judged.   Popular -what is actively consumed by the masses and subject to change at a moments notice.   Opinion- an individual’s personal perspective of a particular situation and/or scenario; not necessarily based on any standing fac

Through the Looking Glass

Social Media is the Ultimate form of Virtual Reality... Everything we survey has been CHOSEN.  Handpicked, cultivated, and produced by the individual.  Every post meticulously crafted to the specifications of the creator.  I only see what you WANT me to see.  There is nothing “Real” about it.  It’s a place where you can be any version of yourself you so choose at any given moment; yet we have much less control in the creation process than we think... What is being created is actually being controlled by those exposed to the content.  What’s being put out is made specifically to ENTICE the audience; therefore, I am using that influence as the foundation of the DESIGN.  Each item curated and shared is in the hope that you will see it and PAY ATTENTION.  There is the rare “odd” individual that does not concern themselves with how much exposure their content gets; which still begs the question: Why?!  If you don’t care if it’s seen, why put it out?!  The answer:  to expose yours