When it comes to love and relationships, I find the most frequently asked question is, “how do you make it LAST?!” I always find this to be a particularly strange question, ESPECIALLY if you and your partner have been together for a significant amount of time. You SHOULD know that person better than anyone else, and hold all the keys for success in that particular relationship. Asking someone else how to keep your stuff together is like asking someone else to explain what you are feeling: ridiculous and damn near impossible.
First and Foremost, I DO NOT, I REPEAT, DO NOT give relationship advice, nor do I insert myself into anybody’s personal situation, even when asked. The reason being, whatever decisions you are arriving at concerning your mate are COMPLETELY yours to make, and whatever you decide will be YOUR life choice. I want to be completely free from any repercussion that could potentially occur; you will NOT be blaming me for your poor decision making process!!!
With that being said, I DO still attempt to help, I mean I’m not a total monster!!😜
What I will say, is that the MOST important thing to do in ANY relationship scenario is to STAY. This does NOT mean completely lose your mind and stay in an abusive and potentially harmful situation, ABSOLUTELY NOT. I’m not talking to the individual whose relationship is OBVIOUSLY toxic. I’m speaking to everybody else whose has a significant other and a relationship that’s actually worth a go😉! YOU MUST STAY!!! Even if the two of you decide in the end that you aren’t compatible, you would have never come to that conclusion had you walked away, leaving yourself or someone else with some unnecessary emotional damage.
Just like everything else in life worth having, it is imperative to see you relationships thru to the END. Whether you end up together or not, there’s nothing worse than leaving a relationship unresolved. As we become more emotionally attached to another person, it becomes more and more difficult to discern your own emotions from theirs. If you are making rash decisions in the heat of the moment, how do you know that’s really you talking, or how you really feel? 🤔. No matter how hard emotionally it is to DEAL with whatever is going on, it is a necessary evil. It’s not fair to you, or the individual who has committed themselves to the relationship as well. If you have to leave the situation at that moment because it’s a little too hot to stay calm and address the issue, then take a 15-30 minute breather, pull your skirt down, and bring your Lil self right on back!!! Facing issues head on with a level head could be the mitigating circumstance in your relationship’s success. You are an amazing person. STAY and stand up for yourself.~The Queen~
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