Sometimes, we just have to sit Still...There is absolutely NOTHING to be done. This place, my Loves, is by far one of the toughest destinations along our journey...
One of the reasons we enjoy routine is because it provides a certain sense of comfort. We welcome the known; it's a familiar friend...Whelp, you, just like me, chose MORE. We couldn't leave well enough alone; and so, here we are! On the glorious bright side, arriving at the "Pause", is a definite sign of progression😀.
We are now learning to shed the construct of TIME. Just Stop. Do not allow stress, anxiety, or the spirit of overwhelm force any action from you Ever again. Simply Chill. That's it. Know that the storm is raging OUTSIDE. You are perfectly safe on the inside; with all you need until it passes. Only a Fool would go out in weather like that! Instead, focus on the Present Moment. Enjoy the warmth of the fire, and the coziness of your surroundings. Remain in perfect Peace. This test, is to demonstrate your capability to just pause and do Nothing. You are to remain; moving Only upon the precise right moment...And guess what?! You and only You can determine exactly when that moment arrives...
I know, Mind Blown, Right?!💥💥 Your Intuition Knows!! Being still allows you to hear. Your mind and thoughts are the storm; inevitable, and surely coming. Let it. Stepping inside reminds you that you are Not the storm; you are not your mind, or the contents within. You are the Observer. Your job here isn't to stop it, but to Watch it; emerging unscathed. Your stillness is your refuge. So how will you know when you have arrived at this impasse in your journey? Because you can go no further. Blissful Boredom is what I like to call it; finally making friends with solitude. Now is a time for Rest, Rejuvenation, and Rebirth. Utilize Hiatus Well, Beautiful Souls...The Queen💗💫❤💋
Photo Source: @artbymushka
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