AKA: Heaven. Oh how my dreams are filled with such a Utopia! Ah, the pure pleasure to be gained by being able to peruse social media without the slightest intimation of stupidity...
You know, the older I get, the less tolerant I am to fuckery. I don't like being told what is DOPE; that decision is entirely up to ME. How are you possibly able to make that determination on my behalf? Moreover, your vision has been obscured, by either the money to be made, or the attention to be gained. Countless individuals have thrown both quality and overall dopeness straight out the window, and have packaged and branded their own fresh serving of filth. well I refuse to participate in the sheeplike consumption of the masses...
Give me something to be EXCITED about!! Put something out that touches my SOUL. what happened to the Beautiful and Profound? Is art now DEAD? It has been quite a while since i have been truly moved. For far too long, we have been absorbed in our capitalistic cocoons, turning a blind eye to the goings on of the entertainment/fashion.media industries, trusting them to wield their craft in such a way that is responsible to the public. We sit silently as mediocrity is passed off as the next big thing; secretly battered into submission...ABSOLUTELY NOT!! We are just as bad as the people who actually think this is quality material. Silence is UNSPOKEN CONSENT...
From now on, I'm calling a spade a spade. If it's horrible, uninspired, and all out lacking talent, that's exactly what I'm going to say and how I'm going to treat it. You will no longer need to wonder if the content you are producing adds any value to the world. I prefer you sit quietly, revel in your own mediocrity, and eventually fade into obscurity. Even parasites cease to exist if they're not being fed...~The Queen~
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