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Showing posts from June, 2013

What Do Your Clothes Say About You?!

When I get dressed, its with intent and purpose.  There is something I want to convey visually to all who lay eyes on me.  This should always be the point.  Whether you realize it or not, clothes DO speak.  The question is, are your clothes talking about you behind your back???!!! Inspecting clothes prior to wearing them is going to be your most important and useful tool.  Making sure there's no holes, rips, unintentional tears, or missing buttons is a quick and easy way to improve your overall appearance.  Think about the way you want to look before you decide on an outfit, focussing on where you are going and the proper attire for the venue.  As adults, I shouldn't need to tell you to neatly press each item as well, but just in case you were NEVER previously advised, IRON YOUR CLOTHES!   I want my outfit to ALWAYS convey I'm the BOSS.  I keep this in the back of my mind everytime I get dressed.  Get it in your mind what you want to say to the world each time you walk out

What Do You See??

Do you ever take the time to wonder what type of person you are, or how others perceive you and your actions?  In other words, is what it is you want the world to see in you really being seen?  As creatures of free will, we have the ability to create perception of ourselves.  The question is have we done so in a capacity that matters?  Are we giving off the right stuff?  Have we created our best?!  Contemplate and Ponder these questions as you go about your everyday life and see how quickly you start noticing things you never intended to reveal!

Our Daily Bread

This has been a piece of literature that I can't even recall being introduced to.  For as long as I can remember reading the Bible, I can remember it being around.  Once I became an adult, I realized just how important these little books were.  Sometimes in life, we tend to get so caught up in the things around us, that we forget that life here is short, fleeting, and preparation for what comes next.  It can also become so cruel and difficult that we loose our way.  Our Daily Bread is my way of taking a step back each day and remembering that I am more than a conquerer.  Life is meant to be lived and enjoyed with the perspective that your latter will be greater.  I also like that it is simply written, easy to understand, brief, and directly corresponds with the Bible.  It always has a way of being just what I need at that moment in time.  Our Daily Bread is available absolutely free of charge via their website⭐⭐,  The Daily Bible app, free on the Android market, and most certainly

Can Somebody Tell Me Why...

IDK what the F is going on season 3 of Teen Wolf?!!  I am so lost, and where the heck is Jackson?!!  In Paris doing what?  Who are these folks in the Alpha pack, and who is it they want, Scott or Derek?  Does Derek still have a pack?  So Scott is an Alpha?  Doesn't being an Alpha constitute a pack to be the leader of?!  I'm all confused!  It's about to be episode #4, and I simply have no idea how the show is going to develop, and what is up with Llydia?  I have soo many questions!  One thing remains true, Styles is still my favorite character!  I do miss the buzz cut tho. "Damn Yae, Kim K got you looking Crae Crae everyday day!"  Thank you Charlamagne! It's the question the whole world is asking right now, Why is Kimye's new baby named North West (no middle name!).  I don't like to judge people for the choices they make, I just want an explanation.  I need to understand why there is an African American child running around with the name North.  As if m

Inspiration Station: The Encounter 1&2

Let me start by saying both of these films are AMAZING!!!!  I absolutely fell in love with the original film, it is simple, direct, and to the point.  The plot basically consists of 5 strangers traveling along a washed out road in the middle of nowhere who are re-routed by a state trooper to a roadside diner.  The 5 strangers walk into a retro diner circa 1950s run by Jesus Christ.  He offers to prepare any meal they request free of charge, and of course, the only beverage served is water.  Jesus immediately alerts the strangers to who he is, giving small pieces of information about each individual to add validity to his claim.  Each of the strangers is offered an opportunity to begin life anew in Christ.  Eventually, all accept except Crusher, an ex-football player and self-made millionaire.  The film ends with all accepting the experience an going on to live.   Crusher, however, is led by state trooper Deville to his demise.  This movie's simplicity is fantastic.  This is what it

What Should I Get??

Just popped by with a little retail therapy.  I am in serious need!  My dilemma is what to buy!   I like to shop in categories, and truth be told, there are several areas of my wardrobe that could use a little "filling"!  IDK IDK IDK!!!  I seem to be in most dire need of some new accessories, but I would love a new pair of shoes or two, or three.

Make It Happen!!

Here's a quick reality check.  If there is something in life you want, it is your sole responsibility to make it happen.  Go get it.  Make some effort towards making it your reality.  Educate yourself and make it as important to you as your next breath, don't let it pass you by.  Create the life you want for yourself and then go LIVE IT!  Realize no life on Earth should be more interesting to you than your own.  Don't be a star, be the entire night sky.

Can Somebody Tell Me Why...

Can somebody tell me why Eve's self titled new track makes me wanna bounce around with my pants saggin?!!  I get SOOO amped hearing it!  It's SOOO great to see that her hiatus has been empowering and she hasn't lost a beat lyrically.  I believe everything she's saying.  Keep coming like that Eve and the world won't be far behind your chart takeover. So, I see this week on L&HHAtl more than just Ms. Hernandez is suffering from a bite from the fame monster!  Ms. Mimi has definitely replaced her as character most likely suffering from disallusion.  I commend her efforts for independence and creating her own brand, but where did this need for fame surface from?!  Each week I see her slowly descend deeper and deeper into blind ambition, and buying into this whole reality star persona.  Is no one real anymore?  At some point the genre should be renamed lightly scripted TV without actors.  This is a much more accurate description of what we are now watching.  SMH!  May

OOTD: Date Night

Self-explanatory ensemble today!  It's date night ladies, time to look pretty for camera, and impress your significant other.  It's warm out, with the possibility of a beautiful sunset on every horizon.  Give em something to remember you by (clothes on ladies, clothes on!)                                        

Can Somebody Tell Me Why...

Can somebody tell me why Eve's self titled new track makes me wanna bounce around with my pants saggin?!!  I get SOOO amped hearing it!  It's SOOO great to see that her hiatus has been empowering and she hasn't lost a beat lyrically.  I believe everything she's saying.  Keep coming like that Eve and the world won't be far behind your chart takeover. So, I see this week on L&HHAtl more than just Ms. Hernandez is suffering from a bite from the fame monster!  Ms. Mimi has definitely replaced her as character most likely suffering from disallusion.  I commend her efforts for independence and creating her own brand, but where did this need for fame surface from?!  Each week I see her slowly descend deeper and deeper into blind ambition, and buying into this whole reality star persona.  Is no one real anymore?  At some point the genre should be renamed lightly scripted TV without actors.  This is a much more accurate description of what we are now watching.  SMH!  May

OOTD: Dinner Party

Throwing a dinner part at your house and acting as your own one- man crew?!  No sweat, here's a quick and easy ensemble that will have you looking as fresh as if you had lounged around all day, allowing the party to materialize around you!                                

Just Chill!

                                Think about your favorite song.  Put it on, close your eyes, and enjoy it.  Take a hot bath with candles in a nice cool house.  Soak your feet while reading your favorite magazines with  slice of cheesecake and a glass of wine.  Wake yourself up one day by putting your face in a bowl  filled with ice, water, and witch hazel.  It's time to do some things for you.  Take a few minutes to make yourself happy.  Stress relief is so important, yet often overlooked.  We have to make time each day to unwind and regroup.  The world is a crazy and stressful place that will drive you insane if we never let anything go.  It can take a toll on us physically and effect our choices from one moment to the next.  How can we see ourselves at our most fabulous if our minds are constantly muddled and overrun with foolishness?   Take a second and defragment.  Remember who you are and where you are going.  Doing the things you love will help to keep you grounded and grant

This Month in Magazines

Giveaways!  Giveaways!  Giveaways!  All I have seen are all the fabulous free things being flung at us this summer!!!  It seems every fashion/beauty retailer on the market is offering up swag this month.  I did take the liberty of entering all the giveaways for items I am interested in, but each day I'm inundated with 10-50 more in my inbox, I just can't keep up! All of my digital subscriptions are uploading info daily for even more open contests that were not included in the regular monthly printed glossy.  Bottom line, its out there for FREE, go get it! , , and  are all awesome places to start.  Signing up for their email list gets you All-Contest access.  Good luck and happy hunting!                                                                 

I Wanna Be a Classic

       Yep, that's my goal in life.  I want to be remembered as having style that traversed all eras in fashion.  I want any outfit I'm photographed in looking as current as if I had taken it only moments before.  Don't get me wrong, beautiful poetry is made when people take fashion risks and become pioneers,  I just do it the right way.  Make sure your wardrobe is diverse, but also ensure it will work for you for as long as you need it to.  A wardrobe should not have to be broken down and reconstructed from the ground up with every season change in the fashion world.  If you are purchasing the right things from jump street, all you will need to add are a few key things to get you through that season in style.  You never know when finances can change and you are only limited to purchasing maybe 3 new items, you need the wardrobe to support that, and, if done correctly, only YOU will know!   Think about serious multipurpose items that never go out of style, like blac

Shopaholics Unite!!

                                       It's no secret that I gets DOWN when it comes to shopping.  It almost KILLS me to pay full price for an item.  Missing a sale is a travesty!  I Love to shop and there's no way around it.  Something that I recently got back into that I haven't been doing for a while is online shopping.  I have gotten to the point where I REFUSE to go into a store and shop for cosmetics.  Not that I haven't tried, but I get completely overwhelmed when there's more than half an isle with more than 10 brands to choose from.  No thank you, I will continue to canvas the sites I love from the comfort of my own home where I won't be judged at checkout for the obscene amount of items purchased.   Online shopping is the place to BE!  I'm trying to educate you here!  The sales are so much more incredible, there's always some type of promotion going on, online coupon codes are ALWAYS floating around the internet, AND, most sites offer

Can Somebody Tell Me Why...????!!!!

                                   Can somebody please tell me why I feel like all Towanda has done on this season of Braxton Family Values is hate on Tamar?!!  Let me first say that I am a little partial to Tamar, I have loved her since "Ain't Gon Get None", and we are kindred spirits in the Brat Pack, but Towanda!!! Girl bye!  She has been completely lackadaisical and unsupportive the entire season, focussing all her negative attention on Tamar.  I DON'T LIKE THIS LADIES!  The whole reason I watch your show is because is is a welcome break from normal reality TV shenanigans.  You guys are loving and supportive, and represent a sisterhood that is very rarely seen.  GET YOUR LIfE Towanda, before Ms. Evelyn slaps the piss out of you!(Still one of my favorite Braxton moments ever!!) Oh yea, and before I'm out, can somebody PLEASE tell me why Joseline from Love and Hip Hop Atlanta thinks she is a "Bad B**ch?  I just started watching this season, so maybe the ans

Colorblocking Like a Pro

I thought I would take a little break from the norm a provide you with a visual delight.  One of the biggest trends around with some amazing staying power is Colorblocking.  There is an art to it, and I don't blame some of us for being slightly afraid to dive in head first.  We will keep this simple, combining just 2 bold colors for now.  The add-ons to the left anchor the outfit in a solid black blazer and an animal print platform.  The add-ons to the right add an extra layer of color with the 1st scarf, then get a little funkier with the leopard scarf(keep in mind if you go this route a change in shoe wardrobe to a solid is necessary), and last, a wide sparkly belt adds a little drama to an otherwise simple ensemble, maybe another shoe change to something equally as sparkly could make this an outfit worthy of a night out!                              

I Have a Dream!!

Yes suckas, it is officially OVER for you!! I just thought I should take a moment and remind myself and the world what I'm here for and what I'm all about.   I'm here to make your life fabulous.  I am here to show you how to do life better.  I want the world to realize there is more to being GREAT than a pretty face and learning how to exploit it.  If we are gonna be more,  it starts with raising our expectations across the board.  Make smart decisions for your life.  Educate yourself on the things that effect AND also those that interest you.  There is nothing more aggravating than someone trying have a conversation with you about some topic they came at you with, and they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about.  What kinda mess is that?  You should be a mini expert on ANYTHING you decide to speak on, especially if you expect people to listen. Make plans and follow through.  JUST DO IT!  Stop talking about it and BE about it.  Make some thin

Mid-Year Resolution Check

                                            Well, 6 months in, I can say that I did manage to stick with 2 things I declared I would change for the upcoming year.  I vowed to watch the entire season of Scandal, AND to nix about 7-10 minutes off my everyday get ready routine.   Feeling empowered by this recent discovery, I began to think about the other promises I made to myself.  Being as though I only have 6 more months to get it in, it was time to evaluate my list from a realistic standpoint, as opposed to wishful thinking. Do you ever wonder why it's so hard to keep a resolution?  Why is it so hard not to let down the one person who you will always have...You?!  The things we tell ourselves are often expendable and I just don't understand why.  I'm good for disappointing myself.  The only promise I will be making moving forward is to remember to put myself first at times.  I will no longer take the mentality that my feelings are the least important in a situat

So Its Cute To Be Illiterate?

                                        Knowledge is Power. That mantra still rings true.  Your pursuit should be relentless and neverending.  There was a time in history when only the wealthy were privy to an education and ignorance was the greatest oppression.  The ability to read was more than just a tool to navigate through life, its was FREEDOM.  I still remember the first book I ever read, Aesop's Fables, The Lion and the Mouse.   You couldn't tell me NOTHIN!!  I remember how I felt and thinking, even then, my life would never be the same. So why now are there SOOO many folks walking around that have not read book the first?  Since when did it become cool to be dumb?  Why are we now embracing ignorance in leu of being well-read?  With everyone seemingly in pursuit of truth, why have we now turned a blind eye to one of the most comprehensive sources for knowledge?  The old saying goes "if you want to hide something, put it in a book!". I am sad to report that rin

My Summer Loves

Summer Summer Summertime!!! Ooooohhhh Summertime!  Thank You DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince!  I'm ready!  I smell suntan oil!  There's nothing like summer in the south.  Everyday holds the potential for grilling, laying on the beach, delicious drinks and fabulous sales.  All I can think about is what has me feening this year.  -Tamar Tamar Tamar!! The One: Available NOW on iTunes.  Stop whatever you're doing and purchase!  -Joe Fresh: Fun Fashionable Fresh Clothes at great prices!   -Sushi and Ginger Dressing: I'm ready to eat Light and Fresh  -Beach Umbrellas: The bigger and the brighter, the better!   -Why Don't We Fall In Love...Amerie: Its not summer till I hear this   -Nas/Mary J Blidge...Reach Out: Feels Like "Real Love!"    -Michael Kors Hamilton Bag in Cognac: Makes me wanna be rich!    -Coastal Scents Metal Mania and Ultra Shimmer Palette: Carribean Eyes. Nuf' Said.    -E.


First of all, I buy what I WANT!!!  I'm so tired of these freelance advertisers on YouTube telling me what to spend my money on.  Don't get me wrong, I love a great product review just as much as the next chick, but when it gets to the point to where all that is being discussed are the things you don't like about a product, I have an issue.  Why REVIEW a product if all you are going to do is BASH it?  If you want to be a label fiend, please do that on your own time.  Instead, enlighten me, educate me, take the road not travelled and find something innovative to discuss about the product.  In short, IMPRESS me.  It takes little to no effort to be a mean girl, why not use a different approach and stand out from the rest of the Video Vixens?!  Again, just a thought, you don't have to take my advice either!!**Queen Out!