Let's take a new approach to pain. As a matter of fact, just negativity in general. We know that if we control our breath in the heat of the moment, keeping our heart rate from elevating, its damn near impossible to get angry. OK; so with that being said, why aren't we doing more to stay elevated? Why are we so quick to lower our vibration to suit an undesirable situation?!
A prime example of this is a breakup. We don't eat, or the inverse, overeat; don't sleep, over analyze the relationship and how we performed. We exhaust an enormous amount of emotion and energy on something that has ended. Afterwards, we look just as crazy as we feel. In any part of this process, had we just stopped for a moment to think about what we REALLY want out of those moments, perhaps the process could have been over SOOO much quicker.
But What is it we are seeking in the midst of the breakup ritual??!!!
The misconception is the belief that we are seeking reconciliation. Well, yes, in a way we are; but NOT with the ex partner...the reconciliation you are longing for is the that with the person you were just moments before the breakup occurred. You are dying to FEEL like you felt before. You are desperately trying to regain what was lost.
The truth of the matter is, you are doing this to yourself. NO ONE, let me repeat, NO ONE can "make" you feel any type of way WITHOUT YOU ALLOWING IT. You are choosing to be miserable, and you are engaging in activities that will KEEP you there because you think the pain is validating the experience. You are completely wrong. Just because you are feeling something, doesn't mean that's how you are MEANT to feel.
Remix that Shit.
Be the co-creator you were born to be and take control of your emotions. Evaluate your situation from the GOD level and do what is necessary to end the nonsense. Embrace all the things that make you who you are and immerse yourself in them. I mean, think about it, how are you going to feel better if you are focusing on how bad you feel?! This is when being an enlightened individual becomes trying, because you aren't able to revert back to your old bag of tricks. "When I became a man, I put away childish things..." Yeah, its to EVOLVE.
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