Ever since I became the master of my own Universe, there has been 1 song constantly spinning thru my head, I decided to share just in case anyone else is tapping into that same energy;-)
I'm not exactly sure what's been happening lately, but I have become OBSESSED with achieving personal success on my terms. I have had an undeniable influx of creativity and ideas to get exactly what I want out of life, and the way I WANT TO GET IT!!! Its been absolutely amazing, and I hope it NEVER stops!! Taking a "by any means necessary" approach to my goals has been a benefit to me that I could have only imagined.
Identifying and Embracing your dreams is precisely what we are to be doing right now. Don't take synchronicity for granted. Its not a coincidence that I can't get this song out of my head. Its what I want, it ALL. Act on them. DO NOT take inspiration for granted, its your GOD POWER. As I gravitate to the things that fill me up, the happier I am. I find myself aggravated and disconnected when I am not immersed in things that truly represent and body the essence of ME.
I get soo disgruntled at times that I feel like the people who surround me are "playing games with my dreams"- Buddy Bam , because they don't feel the way I do about what I want...but guess what, NO ONE is obligated to feel what you feel. Guess what else, ITS NOT THEIR DREAM!!! They have absolutely not stake in my success or happiness. This is where we dissolve critical relationships, by not realizing that we are SOLELY responsible for where we go and what we do as far as life is concerned.
Soooo, since I decided a long time ago to take destiny into my own hands, I'm going to continue, business as usual. I sincerely hope you heard me and understood; after all, "destiny waits for NO MAN", if you aren't willing to design it, strap in to live a life decided for you. ~The Queen~
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