At this point in my life, people should cease to amaze me. People are fairly simple creatures who stick to the basically the same habits and routine, whether it's relationships or food. If I was to stick to this philosophy, I think I would be alot better off. Its when I put too much hope and HUMANITY in them that I am disappointed.
I am declaring here and now that I am over and done with assumptions. Giving people too much credit for common sense. Its a personal setup when you hold people to the expectation YOU set in place for them. We expect them to meet this certain set of criteria we have set in our minds, and then are SOOOO upset when they don't live up to them.
The fact that we feel like people are to behave according to whatever preconceived notion we formulated in our head is absurd. We don't even fully expect that from the people we gave birth to. I will say this yet again, stop thinking you have a set of invisible puppet strings that helps you control the reality and perception of others. The only person you have absolute influence over and can effectively reach to change is YOURSELF.
Worry about doing the absolute best you can by others to protect your Karma and keep it moving. Its that simple. Your time and energy needs to be spent trying to figure out what it is about yourself that allows you to be so completely bothered and put off by the next person's lack of compliance when it comes to you. You also need to be trying to figure out where you can go donate that Ego to because it most certainly has to go. Your access to enlightened despotism is no greater than any other, and do not have the right to make decisions for anybody else, ESPECIALLY when you not claiming them on your taxes. A piece of advice we tend to dish out to our children at different points in life is to know your role, and stay in your place. It would serve us all well if we reminded ourselves of this from time to time as well.~The Queen~
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