This whole free will and right to choose thing is getting wayyy out of hand. Like anything else, “With great power comes great responsibility” which may be most relevant in this particular situation. We have to be careful with what we are running around spilling into the air.
While we are all out here attempting to live our best lives and be the best version of ourselves, it is vital to ensure you are NOT putting people in a position to where we are taking away their natural birthright of self-decision. Listen, if it’s anything that irks me beyond measure is when I am “forced” to feel some type of way.
We are all guilty of transference, whether intentional or not. Unfamiliar with this concept?? Well let me set the stage for you😉. Imagine your significant other comes into the room where u have been sitting for the past few minutes in a full on funk. You don’t even know why your upset yet, it’s that fresh. When they enter, he/she is extactic over something that has happened and wants to share. The 2 of you coming together is a potential recipe for disaster.
If you match their energy, and share in their elation, this is fantastic; instant gratification. Suddenly, you feel better. HOWEVER, this is completely superficial. What happened to all those negative feelings? Where did they go? Back into your subconscious, perhaps never to resurface, causing further detriment to your spirit. It’s obvious you felt that way for a reason, now you will never know what was wrong.
In direct inverse, if they instead match you, then you put a rip in their sail and kill the whole set!
So how do we move then???!!!
What we have to do is adopt an “observer” view when it comes to our interactions with others. What this is referring to is taking on the mentality that you are watching your favorite show on tv. You are vested, engaged, and completely engrossed in the storyline, YET completely separated from being AFFECTED by what’s going on. It is imperative that remember this and live our lives this way when it comes to other individuals. EVALUATE and DIFFERENTIATE. You MUST continue the endeavor of putting you 1st.
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